Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Gratitude Project Days 2 & 3

I should have done day 2 yesterday, but y'all, I am a slacker. I really, really am. I do not know where yesterday went. Anyway!

The next thing(or person, as it may be) I am thankful for is my husband. This man is one of the best men that has ever entered my life. He is the best man for me. I am so thankful that God picked him out for me. I cannot imagine my Father caring about me so much that He would pick out the perfect soulmate for me and place him in my path, but He does care that much for me. Ernie and I married 14 years ago and it has been the happiest 14 years of my life. It has not always been perfect or easy, but I am so grateful for each and every day I have with this man. He loves me and the kids so much and I believe the love he shows me helps me to be a better person. I am very thankful for the lessons he has taught me just by loving me. There are times I am most definitely unlovable and he chooses to love me anyway. That commandment Love your neighbor as yourself?, yeah, this man does it. I am so thankful we are raising these children together. He is a wonderful husband, daddy & friend. I am so very blessed.

The third thing(or people) I am thankful for are my 4 children. I am so thankful that God picked me to be their mother. They are so much fun and such a joy. I am so thankful to spend every day with them. I am so thankful for the privilege of learning with them every day. I am so thankful to be guiding them along their journey in life. I am amazed and so grateful that I get to be their earthly mother. I am thankful that my kids enjoy being with me, their daddy and each other.

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