Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 74 of Bible in 90 Days...

I cannot believe we are already at day 74! We entered the New Testament last week and now that I am there, I am not wanting to put my Bible down! I think I'm 4 days ahead right now. Once I see that I am really close to finishing something, I really like to finish! Finishing has never been something I excel in, so I am very excited. In less than 2 weeks, I will have read the Bible from cover to cover. I am trying to decide what to do after that. I might try a Beth Moore Bible study. I want to get more in depth and to understand things better.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog, and the comment! Yes I'm so excited to just look back and SEE what we've done... having read nearly all of the Bible, and soon we'll be able to say we READ IT ALL. I wish I could say I'm ahead, but I'm not. I am not even current at this moment, but hope to be by bedtime tonight. Such a great adventure!
I have done a couple of Beth Moore studies... the Daniel one (this is a 9 month group study, worth every single homework assignment! VERY in depth if that's what you are looking for.) And I believe two short ones during a women's retreat. They were good too, but I really loved the one on Daniel. She's really good, really deep, and makes you THINK. The videos are necessary though!!