Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Review of Empty Promises by Pete Wilson

As soon as I saw that Pete Wilson had a new book coming out, I knew I had to read it.  I'm going to be honest.  I loved Pete Wilson's book Plan B.  I listen to his sermons online when I get a chance.  I've even told my husband that if he ever gets an opportunity to move to Tennessee for work, that's cool with me, because I've got our new church picked out!  I have never listened to a message by Pete that left me wondering what God was wanting me to hear out of that message.  They always hit me right where I am.  They convict me and challenge me.

So, I was expecting his books to do the same thing.  I LOVE challenges.  I love for people to challenge my thinking.  I love it when something is explained in a different way.  So, the part of the back cover of this book says: "We all long for more of something in our lives.  In our endless pursuit to feel worth and acceptance we find ourselves sacrificing everything for the promise to be a little more beautiful, a little richer, a little more powerful and successful, a little more loved.".

I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have wondered, is this all there is?  Am I missing something?  I know that life is tough here on earth, but surely we should have some enjoyment and really be living instead of just existing.  As soon as I looked at the table of contents in this book, I knew Chapter Four: Addicted to Approval was going to be a really hard chapter for me to read.  When I was growing up, all I wanted from my family was to feel loved, wanted, approved of and accepted.  By the time I hit my teenage years, I felt like I hated them because they would not or could not give me that acceptance and approval that I so felt like I needed.  I realize now, after reading this book, that they could not give me the acceptance and approval that I thought I needed from them.  Only God can fill that void.  There were so many other chapters in this book that hit home for me.  Chapter Eight: Addicted to Beauty was one that I definitely did not see me in.  But I realized in reading that chapter that instead of trying to make myself beautiful, I tend to rebel by not wearing makeup, because of comments that my Mom would make about me leaving the house without makeup on as a teenager.

This entire book opened my eyes to idols that I had no idea that I had.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone that wants a deeper walk with God.  It is an easy read and very well written.  I received this book for free from Booksneeze in exchange for a review.  The thoughts on this book are all my own.

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