Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What I learned this week

1. Bella's personality is starting to show more of my traits. Being stubborn, strong willed and ornery is good in some situations, right? :)

2. Bella can stand up without holding on, but only when she has the desire.

3. Michael and Annalee have been amazing this past week with my mood swings, then watching Bella without complaining for hours while I was stuck in the bathroom.

4. I have an amazing husband. No matter the kind of day he had at work, he was always willing to cook or pick something up then take over with the kids as soon as he walked in the door when I was sick.

5. I learned this week that I don't always treat people as kindly as I should. Sometimes I say things without thinking or sometimes things come out wrong. Sometimes I need to say I'm sorry and thank you more often than I do.

6. I have learned that in some situations(ok, a lot of situations) I need to let go and let God have control.

7. I learned that even though I struggled with controlling a situation for years, I could not control it and God had it all together and planned out for my good.

8. I learned from a very wise woman that I need to obey my husband and be under his shield of protection in every aspect of my life. Wow. That was a big one to me. I need prayer in this area.

If you'd like to read more of What I learned this week posts, check out Musings of a Housewife.


Michele said...

Oh I love this. I am so there with you with #6 and #7. Control is definite an issue for me. I have learned this week my need for control is b/c of fear. I have started a new Bible study on Daniel, and my prayer is by the end of this study there will be no more fear or worry in my life, that I will stop giving into these sins. I can't wait to shake those shackles off my feet and start dancing!! How's working out going?

Musings of a Homeschooling Mom said...

Your need for control is because of fear? I have an issue with both fear and control. I wonder if they could be woven together in me? I might need to be studying Daniel as well. Working out hasn't been going for the past two weeks! PMS then stomach issues kept me home. I feel much better today, so I need to get moving! Thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Wasn't a light week around your house was it?

All good lessons to have learned. If you're anything like me many of those more difficult lessons tend to not stick around long. I feel like I learn the same things over and over again. Better luck to you.

Windy said...

I have a problem letting God have control, too! Something I have to work on everyday!

Tiffani said...

What a great list! I think it's SOO important to take inventory of our lives like this...remind us of what we need to work on and how we are doing!!!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Ditto on #4. I really should tell him, huh? :-) Thanks for linking in!