Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stupid tax

I'm sure most people have had to pay it sometime in their life. We are paying it right now. A few months ago, that would have stressed me out. I would have been sick to my stomach, analyzing what I should have done differently. Not this time. This time, I know I made a mistake. It's over and done with... dwelling over it cannot change a thing about it. God is changing and rearranging things in my life right now. He has allowed relationships to end. He is showing me that I need him. He is showing me that I need to go to him for comfort. He is showing me that we might fail others and they might fail us, but He will never fail us. Deuteronomy 31:6 (The Message)

6 "Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down; he won't leave you."

That verse tells me that there is nothing I should fear. There is nothing I should be anxious about. God is ahead of me and knows exactly what is coming. He will not let me down. He will not leave me. So, why should I waste my time being fearful and anxious? That is wasted time I will never get back. I just told Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Joe on Sunday that I need to have more faith. Maybe today's lesson is teaching me to have faith. All of our messes have a message to teach us. Perhaps that is today's lesson for me.


Unknown said...

Well I'm just gonna say...AMEN! Timmy and I had a really BIG set back in finances this past week. I think God is really teaching us a few things when it comes to money and trusting in Him. We did not get all worked up about the situation ;( even though it really stunk) we just looked up to the Lord for understanding and asked for wisdom. Timmy made the comment last night, "don't you find it ironic that this happened since we started the small group at Joe's?" God knew what was going to happen....He is never out of reach. I believe FAITH and BELIEVING is something we all need more of!

Musings of a Homeschooling Mom said...

You know, I had not even thought about this happening since we started the small group! I hope things are looking up for y'all. I know things will work out for all of us. We will be stronger after getting through these struggles.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

My hubby will be losing his job in a few months due to it moving to Houston, and we don't want to move. I will be dwelling on this passage....A LOT!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visting my blog and leaving such kind comments. I hope you and your family are enjoying your own homeschool journey. It it a lifestyle that I can't imagine any other way.