I cannot believe you are 10 years old already! It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital for me to be induced. I remember the nurses trying like crazy to get an IV started to give me fluids and start the Pitocin. I remember Dr. Bowling coming in and yelling at the nurses, asking "Why in the world I was not already in labor!". I remember him breaking my water and bringing on the worst pain(or so I thought) I had ever felt in my life. I remember him coming back and telling me that you were ready to be born and how scared I was. I remember thinking that I could not deal with any more pain. You were so worth it, though! When he placed you on my stomach and let me hold you for the first time I could feel my heart grow so much bigger. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was so amazing to know that you were a part of your Dad and me. I remember watching your Dad hold you and I fell in love with him all over again. It was so sweet seeing you wrap him around your little finger. He loved you so much. Every day that goes by we love you more and more.
You have always been such an amazing child. We are so proud of how sweet and sensitive you are. We love that we never have to ask you to share with others. You have such a giving heart. You were such a joy. I loved holding you and I sat and held you all of the time. I never wanted to lie you down. I don't know why we bothered with a baby bed. Maybe it was just to house your beautiful bedding that Nana made you. Willie Mae would tell me all of the time that you were going to be spoiled because I never put you down. She did eventually say she was wrong, though. You were far from spoiled. You never had a temper tantrum. You hardly ever needed to be disciplined. You were so easy!
When Annalee came along, you were the sweetest big brother I think I have ever seen! You wanted to hold her all of the time and kissed her every chance you got when she was a baby. You always hated it when she had to go get shots. I'll never forget Mammaw telling her no about something when y'all were over there playing. You put your arm around her and comforted her. It was the sweetest thing!
You are even more amazing as a big brother with Isabella. You love to hold her and play with her. It makes me so happy! I love how you help out with her and don't complain about it.
These past 10 years with you have been the best 10 years of my life! You are such a blessing. You are destined to do great things. The world is a better place with such a compassionate, sensitive, giving little man in it. Thank you for being so wonderful! We love you!!!
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